Dentist in Murray Hill
30 East 40th Street, Suite 1001
New York, NY 10016
(212) 683-1960

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer screening is a routine part of a dental examination. Regular check-ups, including an examination of the entire mouth, are essential in the early detection of cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions. You may have a very small, but dangerous, oral spot or sore and not be aware of it. To ensure that a spot or sore is not dangerous, Dr. Nazarian may choose to perform a simple test, such as a brush test. A brush test collects cells from a suspicious lesion in the mouth. The cells are sent to a laboratory for analysis. If precancerous cells are found, the lesion can be surgically removed if necessary during a separate procedure. It's important to know that all atypical and positive results from a brush test must be confirmed by incisional biopsy and histology.
